Tax Refund by Bermudan 75

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Bermudan 75
Just completed my tax return online and should be getting a £76.25 refund, that will pay for my gear box oil change on Monday. :thumbsup:

Posted 27 Jan 2012, 12:12 #1 

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Lucky you! This month has been somewhat expensive so far - had a VAT bill to pay on 12th Jan, Mrs Tourerfogey paid her tax bill last Tuesday, and this morning I paid mine. Between us, I think we've probably paid enough to 'kick start' the economy all by ourselves . . . :(

Posted 27 Jan 2012, 13:57 #2 

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Don't forget there are experts employed to ensure most of your contribution never even touched the economy.

I believe that no-one has actually been running the country since Ted and Maggie killed it.... they're now having to revert to admitting the economy is where it was 20 years ago so imagine how bad it really must be.

Oh well, things are only really bad when the Russian Mafia start dumping bodies in the Queens garden........

Posted 29 Jan 2012, 00:48 #3 
