Survivalists? by Jamie

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I read a a fascinating information page on the US Red Cross web site telling you what to put together in order to survive a breakdown in society or disaster....and I noted a group of folks called 'survivalists or Preppers'...but having checked one of the web sites and got a bit freaked out. some of these folks are seriously dodgy. my question is this...does anyone know of a serious, sensible survivalist website or forum? one with out religeous motivation or run by lunatics? Jamie

Posted 07 Nov 2011, 22:35 #1 

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Can't say I can offer any advice, but I have only one experience of the American Red Cross. After the Calfornia quake in 1994 (I think) I met one of their members. Running away because they were scared of the aftershocks. I mean I didn't like it, but they seemed more stressed than I was.

Read into that what you will, I'm making no judgements.

Posted 07 Nov 2011, 22:57 #2 

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Um no. But a bit of thought about how human beings behave and what might be required to survive and you can work it out for yourself.... First thing to do is to move to the middle of that's myself, Mick, Jake and PaulT sorted then...:D

Posted 07 Nov 2011, 23:07 #3 

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Zeb wrote:Um no. But a bit of thought about how human beings behave and what might be required to survive and you can work it out for yourself.... First thing to do is to move to the middle of that's myself, Mick, Jake and PaulT sorted then...:D

Ahem? Not me then?! ;)

Posted 07 Nov 2011, 23:50 #4 

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Dave wrote:
Zeb wrote:Um no. But a bit of thought about how human beings behave and what might be required to survive and you can work it out for yourself.... First thing to do is to move to the middle of that's myself, Mick, Jake and PaulT sorted then...:D

Ahem? Not me then?! ;)

Nah, you're practically Urban! :-p

Posted 07 Nov 2011, 23:54 #5 

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LOL! It's all relative I guess!

Posted 08 Nov 2011, 09:02 #6 

Yes...move to the middle of nowhere! I had got that far LOL. its a matter of being practical, there are 7billion people on the planet and there have been rumours of war in europe...I just thought there is no harm in having a plan and some provisions put aside just in case! one of those web sites I looked at was talking about arming yourself with weapons and at that point I stopped reading.

Posted 08 Nov 2011, 16:05 #7 

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hmmmm try finding some Living Off The Grid videos on Youtube. There are some weird vids there. Hilarious. You need stashes of food and stuff dotted around and an off road camper van of sorts. etc etc etc. Hopefully we can work together as a society even beyond electricity and 'order'. Some society's live that way already, just like our ancestors.
We did rapidly get to 7 billion having hovered around 2.5 billion for tens of centuries. 9 billion could arrive within 40 years. Scary. That's the predicted max number that Earth can provide for. The Chinese may be onto something with the one child per couple rule.

Would you like to see my ironman suit. :D

Posted 08 Nov 2011, 23:11 #8 
