Halfway House Meeting June 23rd by mi2540

Hi all, just flagging up the next MGR meeting which will be at the
Halfway House public house on the A127 Southend Arterial Road, CM13 3LL on 23rd June

It has a large car park and they welcome any variation of the Rover MG brands there is an excellent crowd who get there and for those who like to eat the pub does good food and also a little chef on site too, and their olympic breakfast is very popular with some members !! hope we may see some of you on the day as mixing with others from different forums can only be a good thing in my humble opinion


Posted 10 Jun 2013, 16:16 #1 

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(Site Admin)
Any particular day in June?

Posted 10 Jun 2013, 16:47 #2 

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I might try and make this one, depends on the date as I have some weekends booked in with work already.

Posted 10 Jun 2013, 17:40 #3 

Oh God Im so sorry !! shoot me !! its the 23rd !! I get so lyrical about the food the real details slip out of my mind LOL well thats my excuse anyway thanks for reminding me !!

Posted 10 Jun 2013, 19:05 #4 

Just heard high possibility of a T4 (Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System) being present at this months meet which would be great for those od us with probs or niggles that need sorting out

Posted 17 Jun 2013, 14:09 #5 

Pleased t osay despite the variable weather 18 cars turned up and the bonus was that T4 sessions were available for those who wanted them gratis and the myth that T4 is only for 75,s & ZT,s was dispelled as two zr's and an zs were among those diagnosed, most were given clean bill of health and the others were relatively minor issues. The next meet will be on 28th july at 11 am as its the third anniversary of the meets ans will be a run down to southend stopping for lunch at shoeburyness T4 should be available regularly from now on at the meets so this might be your time
to get checked out

Posted 24 Jun 2013, 13:29 #6 
