All mg zt parts for sale.2002 by nathan643

As header due a broken clutch i selling the car in bits and then the rest of it is going to a local community project my wife is involved with so it wont be scrapped....Its the zt 190+ on a 2002 plate in dark met blue everything is there just mail me with an parts you may need..Everything there including xenons engine trim etc...A really nice car aswell...I hope to fund another zt and maybe help someone who needs bits for themselves to keep them going.......

Posted 30 Jul 2011, 18:27 #1 

User avatar
Hi Nathan.
Sorry to hear about your loss of the ZT but the up side is members will be helped to keep theirs in order from you donor car and i am sure you will find another or it will find you,xenons you say very collectable dont think you will have them for very long, Good luck Arctic.
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 31 Jul 2011, 00:36 #2 

Thanks for the supporting email matey yes deverstated at the loss only had her a week but the cost and a new baby well im sure you can imagine....

Posted 31 Jul 2011, 08:18 #3 

User avatar
Sorry to hear about the car :(

You can sell as many items as you want on here.

Posted 31 Jul 2011, 08:52 #4 

Thanks alot kandyman you dont know what that means........All the best...Nath.

Posted 31 Jul 2011, 11:01 #5 

Hi really sorry about the car,
Do you have cruise control. Looking to retrofit on my 2003 ZT. I am also looking for a one of more hole Switch panel to put a sunblind button etc. Also if the Xenons are available I would be interested in those.


Posted 02 Aug 2011, 22:30 #6 

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zt rob
whats the front bumper like nathan any damage?

Posted 03 Aug 2011, 11:10 #7 

Hello guys sorry for late replys but internet issues.....Back online now all parts ready to be removed from car so were ready to go....Any q's im easy on 07738591752...Hope it ok to list my number mods...All the best gents....Nath.

Posted 21 Aug 2011, 09:39 #8 

