My V8 by jimbo

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Just got back from a holiday in Cornwall - the V8 got dirty and "needed" washing/polishing whilst we were away


Scrubbs up well doesn't it


Posted 13 Sep 2010, 14:54 #1 

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Lovely :thumbsup:
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 13 Sep 2010, 15:08 #2 

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Bermudan 75
jimbo wrote:Just got back from a holiday in Cornwall - the V8 got dirty and "needed" washing/polishing whilst we were away


Scrubbs up well doesn't it


Hi Jim,

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, if JamesUK lets you into the car park. He only likes 75 saloons......



Posted 13 Sep 2010, 15:33 #3 

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Just let him try and stop me - looking forward to it myself - it'll be nice to see you and the others again, even JamesUK lol.



Posted 13 Sep 2010, 15:38 #4 

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With an ugly grill like your V8 has Jimbo I will spot you a country mile off.. Deff have to direct you to the "overflow" car park = the lane next door.. :P

That jawdropped "faceache" front on your V8, and the noisy American engine, simply lack the finesse, panache,and refinement required to get admittance to the more gentlemanly "Rover 75 Club" car park innit.. :roll:

You are however, welcome to join us at the bar, provided you bribe us with lunch and drinks of course ole chap.. :cheers:

Posted 13 Sep 2010, 17:38 #5 

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jimbo wrote:With an ugly grill like your V8 has Jimbo I will spot you a country mile off.. Deff have to direct you to the "overflow" car park = the lane next door.. :P

That jawdropped "faceache" front on your V8, and the noisy American engine, simply lack the finesse, panache,and refinement required to get admittance to the more gentlemanly "Rover 75 Club" car park innit.. :roll:

You are however, welcome to join us at the bar, provided you bribe us with lunch and drinks of course ole chap.. :cheers:

Typical James, bribery and corruption always did work with you :lol: I'll try and hide it away somewhere so it won't spoil your day.

Cheers mate

Posted 13 Sep 2010, 18:40 #6 

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Bermudan 75
Due to the rather small car park at the Romper, with only 23 spaces on the overflow car park, I did think that JamesUK could act as marshall. However I do think that he might just let in 75 saloons and exclude Tourers, ZTs and V8s.



Posted 13 Sep 2010, 18:49 #7 

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Rover418275 wrote:Due to the rather small car park at the Romper, with only 23 spaces on the overflow car park, I did think that JamesUK could act as marshall. However I do think that he might just let in 75 saloons and exclude Tourers, ZTs and V8s.



:lol: - I think however if he arrives as he normally does - LATE :sleep: - we'd be all parked up before he arrives


Posted 13 Sep 2010, 22:34 #8 

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I do "arriving late" rather well even if I say so myself. I did however arrive early once at a Yorkie meet and was just about to leave thinking I had the date wrong when the locals started to arrive, can't risk that again, was very lonely there in the empty car park all by myself.. I got so bored I even fed the ducks! :roll:

However -- My arriving somewhat later than most does allow vehicles in that would otherwise be shown a red card and be excluded, so as long as you don't misbehave you won't get towed away and peace will reign.. innit .. :)

BTW Jim, your car screams out for a nice set of chrome door finishers... They look the bees knees on dark coloured cars.. Even V8's ;)

Posted 13 Sep 2010, 23:37 #9 

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jimbo wrote:I do "arriving late" rather well even if I say so myself. I did however arrive early once at a Yorkie meet and was just about to leave thinking I had the date wrong when the locals started to arrive, can't risk that again, was very lonely there in the empty car park all by myself.. I got so bored I even fed the ducks! :roll:

However -- My arriving somewhat later than most does allow vehicles in that would otherwise be shown a red card and be excluded, so as long as you don't misbehave you won't get towed away and peace will reign.. innit .. :)

BTW Jim, your car screams out for a nice set of chrome door finishers... They look the bees knees on dark coloured cars.. Even V8's ;)

Cheers James, like the thought of you being early and thinking you'd got the wrong day :lol: .

I'll try to be a good boy and behave myself at the Romper :roll: .

As regards the door finishers, I did have a set of "crofts" ones that I was going to fit but after some local scrote removed the chrome tyre valve covers and caps that a tyre fitter had given me I decided to err on safety, didn't want the same scrote or similar "magpie" taking a screwdriver to the doors trying to remove them.

See you Sunday when you finally arrive.


Posted 14 Sep 2010, 08:28 #10 

